BUIlding the RPM

we need a source code of a project that we are packaging.

  • downloading it from project website into a directory that we created on our local machine for pacakging
  • getting the compressed tarball archive, which happens to be the preferred distribution form for most FOSS projects.

mkdir hello && cd hello wget

  • The RPM package is configured by .spec files. We will create a template file hello.spec
  • rpmdev-newspec hello

INSIDE the spec file:

do the necessary changes by checking the license of the source file(for me its GPL)

Building the package

we will build the source, binary, and debugging pakgs using fedpkg tool fedpkg tool?

  • KOji build system: The production builds for Fedora are built in the Koji build system, which in turn uses Mock to manage isolated build environments.

To get as close to a production build as is locally possible, we use the fedpkg mockbuild command which also invokes Mock: