Got introduced to dark web while working on a project idea related to cybersecurity.

DarkWEB experience

DarkWeb is a part of a web which is not indexed by search engines.

How to acess the dark web? Using TOR(The Onion Router)

You will need a TOR browser.

  • Download the tor browser for your OS
  • You can also access tor through Brave brower(not recommeded accessing TOR this way if you really wanna do something apart from just exploring)
  • Enter TOR browser
  • Click on connect
  • You are connected to TOR using TOR browser bundle

Now, here comes an interesting question.

How do we really get to dark web?

Dark web is a bunch of web services, websites that end with .onion instead of .com or .org. You can only access them using special browser like Tor and Brave browser.

Fun part about DarkWEB-

These onion sites are made up of 54 random alphanumeric characters, you can’t remember these characters(onion site addresses) so you need a direct address to get those sites. or sites will help: Here you can find links to all dark sites, these links are going to legit sites and not scams.

Are you a dark web noob?


  • Darknet bible
  • keepassXC

VPN required?

If TOR requires a vpn or safe to use tor without a vpn?

When you are using tor then you are already getting anonymity so you dont need VPN. But if you live in a country that blocks TOR or using internet connection where network administrator has blocked the TOR then using a vpn would be helpful.

If you cant access TOR somehow then-

  • Go to TOR browser settings
  • Go to connections
  • Under bridges: Request a bridge

Search engines on darkweb

  • phobos(general search)
  • duck duck go
  • recon(used for searching darkweb marketplaces)
  • kilos(used for searching marketplaces)

Difference between DarkWeb & DeepWeb

Darkweb is a subset of Deepweb.Deepweb consist of normal or clear web and a dark web but the darkweb is only like 5% of the total internet. Deep web refers to anything on the internet that is not indexed by and, therefore, accessible via a search engine like Google. Deep web content includes anything behind a paywall or requires sign-in credentials. It also includes any content that its owners have blocked web crawlers from indexing. The dark web is a subset of the deep web that is intentionally hidden, requiring a specific browser—Tor—to access, as explained below. No one really knows the size of the dark web, but most estimates put it at around 5% of the total internet. Again, not all the dark web is used for illicit purposes.

NOTE: If you find your own information on the dark web, there’s precious little you can do about it, but at least you’ll know you’ve been compromised. Bottom line: If you can tolerate the lousy performance, unpredictable availability, and occasional shock factor of the dark web, it’s worth a visit. Just don’t buy anything there.

Dark web tools and services

Welcome to TAILS OS

You can use Tor on Tails OS, dont use linux, windows and mac directly. TailsOS desinged for privacy. Visit-

You download it on flash drive and plug it on machine and use it. You can temporary download files into it, and you can surf the dark web on it.

Using tails on virtual machine? Not safe because the virtual machine will still be stored on hard disk and that can be easily recoverable. So better to use a usb stick which can be temporarily used to download files and do the dark web surfing safely.

Security TIP: When you are browsing TOR and disable the javascipt. There are few sites on TOR that looks shady and ask you to enable Javascript, to ensure your saftey and sanity kindly don't enable the Javascript

Internet on TOR is a bit slow but full privacy.

Keep this points in mind-

  • Use tails os on usb drive,
  • Enable tails security everytime before surfing,
  • Keep updating your tail os,
  • If u download any file from dark web dont open it when you are connected to internet, first turn it off then open it,
  • If you want to store these files permanently then use a external storage drive and encrypt it using tools with very secure password.

Important useful resources:

Purpose of dark web: Privacy

How tor works?

Visit tor docs
