VIM Tradition

In linux community, people love to take challenges and one of the challenges is working on VIM editor.

According to pro linux users, it is the easiest thing in this world once you get hold of it.(Easier than HTML, hehehe >_<)

Cursor Movement in VIM Editor

Vim guys uses h,j,k,l for cursor movement, they don’t prefer mouse ;)

H = Move Left

J= Move Down

K= Move Up

L= Move Right

While experimenting if we end up doing mistakes then to come out of that loop use–> ESC key.

ESC= To come back to NORMAL MODE

To exit the editor without saving any changes use–> :q!<ENTER>

:q!<ENTER> = Exit without saving changes


i= To insert text and then make the necessary changes

Then, press ESC to return to NORMAL mode.


x= Move the cursor on the word to be deleted and press ‘x’ to delete it.


a= Press ‘a’ and type the additions. Hit the ESC key to return to NORMAL Mode


To open a file inside VIM editor:

Vim filename.txt <ENTER>

After doing changes, to save the file and exit it:

:wq <ENTER>

….to be continued