• First read description.
  • Try to reproduce.
  • Try to find the offending code in the source code (i.e. the source code file which is causing the bug).

This I tried for all bugs I found interesting.

Now comes the time when you’ll try to see if the bug is solvable for you? If yes, then move forward

  • Try to fiddle around/ make minor changes and see if they do what i’m expecting them to do (this proves that i can understand that code snippet i’m working with).
  • Try to find a solution.
  • Try to implement it in a very messy fashion (first implementation is usually very messy).
  • Repeat last three steps until it works.

if at this point you think you have found something that could work, go on chat room and post your findings to get their suggestion. Finally You proceed to pull request.

If You don’t feel like the bug is solvable, drop it.

Also check out how to ask smart questions:
