When she finally spoke up

When I started speaking infront of people, meeting new people, attending various talks, and conferences virtually and some in person too I found a hidden personality within myself, as if that part of me didn’t get the right platform to show up but now when I am working on such platforms where I see like minded people I feel this is what that makes me happy, meeting like minded people and networking. Makes me feel more better about myself.

I am an introvert by nature but I would say now I don’t shy away from speaking whats on my mind. When I have thoughts that are conflicting I am trying to put forward them in a polite manner without harming anyone’s sentiments. (ok except for my weird jokes >_<)

Introvert ≠ Less opportunities, being introvert means you speak more only when you see your message will be gone through and will be processed by like minded people , Yea not everytime this works because sometimes you need clients that are extroverts or better to say who dont think like you but you will prefer to spend more time around people who understands you and see that you can do good.

I am an open source enthusiast and also a die hard Linux fan, trying to promote this philosophy as much as I can.

No monetary benefits from this but only the cause is enough to make me keep working as a volunteer and this is why I started the community “PenguinArmy” with some of my virtual friends.

I come from a land of complete lostness, a place where students are not into technology much.

A remote town where I grew up working on a Windows machine. Then started exploring other Operating Systems like Linux, and since that day I enjoyed every part of it. I do not regret my decision of choosing Linux over any other operating system. I am happy that I have gone through those ugly and stubborn bugs. Made me fall in love with the googling, testing, researching, reading technical docs and nonetheless taught me "The Art Of Debugging".

Today, I am noone to give you guide, noone to give you tips or tricks to crack any company(ofcourse because I haven’t cracked any yet and not even trying to as of now),but can be someone to atleast remind you that you also once had a dream(or maybe you still have one), a passion, or anything that you always wanted to try, start that.

You can try doing that…. if you do that then the purpose of writing this blog is already fulfilled 🙂


chococandy aka Riya