
  • Read the bug report and try to find the file on which you think this bug can be present, for that check your logs on terminal, there are high probability that you will find the location of the file or the file name on your error logs.

  • File name: TodoTreeView.qml

  • open this file on vscode or any editor

  • search for the filename and navigate to the lines that you think might have the code for this bug.(btw you can get the line number also on the error logs)

  • try to solve the code by any means, it could be copy pasting code snippets already written related to the same functionality

  • Line 127: replaced the KalendarUiUtils.setUpAdd(Kalendar.IncidenceWrapper.TypeTodo, new Date(), filter.collectionId); with KalendarUiUtils.setUpAdd(Kalendar.IncidenceWrapper.TypeTodo, new Date(), Kalendar.Filter.collectionId);

  • i found this create code written in some other file.