RUnning `kdesrc-build kalendar –no-src –no-include-dependencies

error: `chococandy@chococandy-nitroan51544 ~]$ kdesrc-build kalendar –no-src –no-include-dependencies Holding performance profile

Building kalendar from kde-pim (1/1) Source update complete for kalendar: Skipped Preparing build system for kalendar. Running cmake targeting Unix Makefiles… Unable to configure kalendar with KDE CMake

kalendar didn’t build, stopping here.

<<< PACKAGES FAILED TO BUILD >>> kalendar - file:///home/chococandy/kde/src/log/2023-02-08-01/kalendar/cmake.log

Possible solution: Install the build dependencies for the modules: kalendar You can use ‘sudo apt build-dep <source_package>’, ‘sudo dnf builddep ’, ‘sudo zypper source-install –build-deps-only <source_package>’ or a similar command for your distro of choice. See https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Install_the_dependencies

:-( Your logs are saved in file:///home/chococandy/kde/src/log/2023-02-08-01 [chococandy@chococandy-nitroan51544 ~]$ `


  • Dependencies not found
  • Dependencies version not matched
  • Checking the log file: found: `

kdesrc-build running: ‘cmake’ ‘-B’ ‘.’ ‘-S’ ‘/home/chococandy/kde/src/kalendar’ ‘-G’ ‘Unix Makefiles’ ‘-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=ON’ ‘-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo’ ‘-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-pipe’ ‘-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/chococandy/kde/usr’

from directory: /mnt/storage/kde/build/kalendar

CMake Error: The source directory “/home/chococandy/kde/src/kalendar” does not exist. Specify –help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. `

Running kdesrc-build kalendar

ERROR: `[chococandy@chococandy-nitroan51544 ~]$ kdesrc-build kalendar Fetching remote changes to sysadmin-repo-metadata Merging sysadmin-repo-metadata changes from branch master Holding performance profile

Building extra-cmake-modules from frameworks (1/95) Fetching remote changes to extra-cmake-modules Merging extra-cmake-modules changes from branch master No changes to extra-cmake-modules source, proceeding to build. Compiling… succeeded (after 0 seconds) Installing.. succeeded (after 0 seconds)

Building kcoreaddons from frameworks (2/95) Fetching remote changes to kcoreaddons Merging kcoreaddons changes from branch master No changes to kcoreaddons source, proceeding to build. Compiling… failed (after 1 second)

kcoreaddons didn’t build, stopping here.`


GOOGLING to find if anyone else found the same error: seems like I am the first. Next is to read kde wiki.

  • Updating my kde-src build
  • it will update all the present dependencies and will try to build kalendar app again using kde-src build


  • updated my pc for arch: sudo pacman -Syu
  • upadted kdesrc-build file cuz maybe there are few dependencies which needs updation:

# If you have an old installation of kdesrc-build and you want a clean kdesrc-build installation, run a command line like: # mv ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc~bak ; mv ~/kde ~/kde~bak mkdir -p ~/kde/src cd ~/kde/src/ git clone https://invent.kde.org/sdk/kdesrc-build.git && cd kdesrc-build

Next, it’s time to set up kdesrc-build and pick up the changes it made to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc for zsh users) for the current terminal session:

`# For supported operating systems (OSes), it installs all of the OS packages needed in order to build all of the KDE Frameworks 5. ./kdesrc-build –initial-setup source ~/.bashrc

source: https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development#Prerequisite_skills

Check that the command line above has worked by seeing if the PATH environment variable contains “~/kde/src/kdesrc-build”.

echo $PATH`

  • reboot
  • try running kdesrc-build kalendar

KDE-ERROR AS you can see in the image above, the kcoreaddons error is being solved, so probably our approach was correct,

Again showed some error:



  • https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source/Install_the_dependencies tries installing new depend dencies

` Arch and Manjaro

$ sudo pacman -Syu –needed phonon-qt5 qt5-script qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-x11extras enchant jasper openexr libutempter docbook-xsl shared-mime-info giflib libxss upower udisks2 bzr git doxygen perl-json perl-libwww perl-xml-parser perl-io-socket-ssl akonadi xorg-server-devel libpwquality fontforge eigen libfakekey qca-qt5 xapian-core xsd gperf perl-yaml-syck intltool kdesdk qrencode libdmtx boost ruby-test-unit

$ sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/q/qt5-webkit/qt5-webkit-5.212.0alpha4-18-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst


  • try building the app again using kdesrc-build kalendar

  • didnt work, then try reading the logs again, found qcore5 pkg was not found

  • checked https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/qcoro-qt5/files/ arch wiki

  • installed it on my system

  • try running build cmd again

  • error solved pic

HENCE, built sucessfull


updating the dependencies


now lets test our app by running: kdesrc-run kalendar