I call myself a true Technologist

I search for technologies that can improve future lives, stepping on the shoulders of giants they like to call it. Coming from a package management background, being a Linux user, I wanna try another rabbit hole i.e., Nix. Future blogs will cover my experience with Nix but this one is merely about exploring this space before actually exploring it.

I read a blog

That blog was by replit adopting nix. Refer: (https://blog.replit.com/betting-on-nix)[https://blog.replit.com/betting-on-nix]

One more, I found (https://blog.replit.com/super-colliding-nix-stores)[https://blog.replit.com/super-colliding-nix-stores]

My views on Nix

TLDR: Thank me later

According to my philosophies, before actually contributing to any technology or a project, researching about it is also a part of contributing and is one of the most crucial steps in order to understand any new tech. No matter how popular or trendy(or AI/ML, hahaha) that technology is, focus on what value and improvements it can bring to the current state of the Tech Industry. Whether those values match your philosophies or not, whether those values make you excited about the next generation of Computing or not. Ask yourself these questions before asking “How To Open Source”. Work for what you believe in because that’s what makes one feel alive.
